Building media literacy in UK communities

Everyday Digital is a new programme from Parent Zone, designed to improve families’ critical media literacy skills. 

It includes a range of multi format resources designed for self guided learning, plug and play sessions, a free Widget for your website and free training for professionals to become Local Champions. The training is open to any family-facing professional including education practitioners, librarians, health professionals... in fact, anyone who works with families.


Everyday Digital is a 360° programme that explores all five areas of media literacy:


  1. Content: all the information and media we see or create ourselves 

  2. Data: the personal information we leave behind (or share) when online 

  3. Environment: knowing how to use and understand online spaces and platforms 

  4. Consequences: understanding the possible impact our online behaviours might have, including in the offline world

  5. Positivity: knowing how to make online interactions and environments safer and more rewarding


These crucial areas of media literacy address concerns including mis- and disinformation and misogyny, helping participants to understand the power of improved media literacy skills and the potential to make positive change. 

Getting involved is easy 

If you’re a family-facing professional – or a Local Authority interested in expanding your media literacy support to families – you can get involved with the Everyday Digital programme in multiple ways – including signposting the parent-facing resources to embedding the free Everyday Digital widget on your website

If you sign up to become one of our Local Champions, you will receive training and support (as little or as much as you need) from us. Local Champions will have access to a whole range of resources, including parent sessions, articles and information, promotional materials, quizzes, and more.

Are you ready to get involved? 

If you're ready to take the next step, or you'd just want some more information, please get in touch