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As part of our mission, we undertake research into the issues affecting children, young people and families in the digital age.

All our research is independently commissioned and funded.

You can browse our research and download our reports below.

Image of front cover of report

Short changed and out of time

Feb 2025

A report into families facing financial harms alone. Research by Parent Zone based on a parent poll discussing Child Financial Harms.

Short changed and out of time – report.pdf 

Image of report front cover

Early years digital media literacy review

Feb 2025

During early years, many children are already engaging with digital media. Parent Zone's report emphasises the importance of supporting media literacy development during this critical period.

Early years digital media literacy review – report.pdf

A problem hiding in plain sight

A problem hiding in plain sight?

Nov 2023

Parent Zone is increasingly concerned about online financial harms for children. But exactly how much financial agency do children have online – and how are they spending, making, and losing money? 

A problem hiding in plain sight – report.pdf

Online safety tools

Online safety tools - a false hope?

April 2023

The Online Safety Bill means safety tools will become ever more central to using the internet for for us all, especially parents and children. While the tools undoubtedly have a part to play, Parent Zone has a number of reservations.

Online safety tools – a false hope?.pdf

Your Digital Family

Your Digital Family – Listening Project

January 2023 

Parents know their children better than anyone. Yet we found little mention of them in the Online Safety Bill. To address this, Parent Zone partnered with Meta to create the Your Digital Family Listening Project and discover how families really feel about tech.

Your Digital Family – Listening Project.pdf

For Their Future

For Their Future

March 2022 

When the pandemic hit in 2020, the world changed. But we still had a job to do: to help children be secure, resilient and confident online. With families more reliant on tech than before, that work was even more important.

For their future Parent Zone impact report March 2022.pdf

Digital poverty

Digital Poverty

June 2021 

One of the many consequences of lockdown in 2020 was the amplifying of 'digital poverty'. However, with no agreed definition of the term, it was difficult to assess the scale of this. We commissioned Ipsos MORI to conduct research to bring parents into this discussion.

PZ Digital Poverty Report 2021.pdf

Left behind in lockdown

Left Behind In Lockdown

November 2020 

In October 2020, Parent Zone carried out research with Ipsos MORI to understand how families have been coping during Covid-19. We surveyed more than 1,000 UK parents of children aged 17 and under, to find out how lockdown restrictions had impacted them.

PZ Left Behind In Lockdown 2020.pdf

The Rip-Off Games

The Rip-Off Games

August 2019 

The business model of the gaming industry has changed. Using techniques borrowed from the gambling industry, children are enticed to keep on paying – not just playing. We took a closer look at the financial impact on children and young people.

PZ The Rip-Off Games 2019.pdf

Skin gambling

Skin Gambling

June 2018 

Since 2015 gamers have been able to win or trade 'skins', and to then gamble these virtual items on largely unregulated sites. We set out to explore the scale of under-18s. skin gambling, as well as what needs to happen to prevent the transition from gaming to gambling.

PZ Skin Gambling Report 2018.pdf

Parenting in the Digital Age

Parenting in the Digital Age

October 2017

How can parents navigate conflicted messaging about digital parenting? And how can professionals support families in meeting the challenges of the digital age? To help answer these questions, we decided to ask the children themselves.

PZ Parenting in the Digital Age report.pdf

Ordinary magic for the digital age

Ordinary Magic for the Digital Age

October 2017

It's instinct to want to protect children from online risks and harms. But if tech and safety tools are only part of the solution, what role can 'digital resilience' play?  After our 2014 report into digital resilience, Rachel Rosen revisits the area to see what has changed. 

PZ Ordinary Magic for the Digital Age report 2017.pdf

The Perfect Generation

The Perfect Generation


The impact the online world has on young people's mental health is a common concern. In this report, we speak to young peple who have grown up with technology – to hear their views, so that we can begin thinking about how best to support those who care for them and educate them.

PZ The Perfect Generation report 2016.pdf

PZ Building Children's Online Resilience

Building children's online resilience


We worked with Dr Andrew Przybylski and the Oxford Internet Institute to examine children's digital resilience. We looked at how children can be encouraged to develop their resilience, and how they can be given the tools to meet the challenges of online life.

PZ Building Children's Online Resilience 2014.pdf