Digital Families 2022 – wrapping up this year's conference
30 May, 2024
2 minute read

Digital Families 2022 – wrapping up this year's conference

Digital Families 2022, Parent Zone’s first face-to-face conference since 2019, brought together experts from across the digital world. 

We would like to thank those of you who joined us for the day – both in person and virtually – and hope that you enjoyed hearing the guest speakers and panel discussions. We’re pleased to have had overwhelmingly positive feedback.


What we learned

The day was centred around talks and panel discussions about the digital world we live in. A common thread was the responsibilities of parents, educators and regulators in educating children in an ever-changing digital world. 

The Online Safety Bill got several mentions, not only because it has been 5 years in the pipeline, but with calls for a change of focus away from the online dangers towards education. This was especially clear when discussing teaching media literacy and digital citizenship to enable children to know how to make good choices when they are online. 


Speaker highlights

More articles about the themes that emerged across the day will follow, but a few things stood out:

  • The audible gasp when Dr Elly Hansen told us that porn’s implicit messages convey that transgression, violence and dominance is sexy. 

  • Callum Hood told us how dangerous the ‘manosphere’ is with its misogynist views and incels being the most extreme fringe of this community.

  • And that, for the second time in history, the concept of literacy is changing and we need to educate children more on becoming media literate from the outset which Faith Rogow passionately shared in her speech. 

You can watch the full live stream recording here and read more about what we learned from each speaker in the Digital Families hub.

Listen to Parent Zone's podcast, Tech Shock.