Find Your Balance competition banner


Competition now closed. Visit the showcase gallery to view the entries.

Do you know a young artist or writer – aged 5 to 15? Do they like spending time online?

The Find Your Balance art + written word competition, supported by Google, aims to spark children’s creativity and help families have the right conversations about their digital lives.

The competition was originally launched as a written word challenge. However, responding to requests, we are delighted to announce that we have opened up the competition to include artwork too.

We’re looking for children and young people to explain in words or pictures what they would like the internet of the future to be like. The top 50 entries will feature in a special event at the Houses of Parliament in London.

One national winner from each of the four age categories (ages 5-7, 8-10, 11-13 and 14-15) will win a trip to the event with their family. They’ll also receive a copy of the competition anthology (with their artwork or writing included). See the terms and conditions for details.

Find Your Balance competition entry      Find Your Balance competition entry

Two of the many brilliant art entries in the 2021 competition – responding to the theme, ‘A day in my digital life’. This year, entries can feature either words or pictures.

How to enter

Each entry must answer this question:

What would you like the internet of the future to be like?

It could be how we protect the environment, learn more about other cultures, change the way we look after each other online – or new ways to meet with friends and family. There are no right or wrong answers: whatever you care strongly about. 

Entries can be in any creative form: a story, picture, poem, cartoon, lyrics, word cloud… The more imaginative, the better!

To submit an entry, a parent or legal guardian must complete the form below – including uploading the completed entry. It can be uploaded as a PDF or jpeg file (maximum size 86MB). If photographing an entry, please try to do so in good natural light, square on from above and using the best (easily) available camera or camera phone. All entries will feature in a special showcase on the Parent Zone website before being shared with the judging panel. 

Schools and organisations

If you would like your pupils to get involved, you could share this promotional flyer with the families you work with.

Download promo flyer


  • The judging panel will be looking at creativity, originality, and how the entry responds to the question.
  • Entries must include words or pictures.
  • Entries must fit onto a single page of A4 – and also feature the entrant's first name, and age.
  • Entries must not include any personally identifying information or data. 

All entries will be available to view in our showcase gallery, once checked and verified.

Find Your Balance 2021

One of our 2021 winners at the Westminster celebration event with Find Your Balance competition judge Giovanna Fletcher

Closing date

The closing date for entries is 23:59 on Wednesday 19 October 2022.

Terms and conditions

Please read the terms and conditions in full before submitting your entry.